
Welcome to The Hopeful Home! I’m so glad you’re here.

I am just a mom. Not the cool kind… the regular kind. I’m nothing super special, but I have found that our journey through homeschool education and life in general has taught us many lessons. I’d like to share some of those with you.

Home should be a place of laughter, forgiveness, comfort, learning, surprise, concern, joy, love and HOPE. That’s what I strive for our home to be. Even on days that feel completely chaotic, there is something good in them. Always look for and hope for the best because it will come, even if it takes it’s sweet time.

The hopeful home is filled with recipes, d.i.y. crafts for kids, and encouragement. A lot of it does revolve around our homeschool journey. However, whether or not you homeschool, I hope you find something inspiring, interesting, and helpful here in this space. We are all just parents trying to do our best by our kids no matter what. I hope this site serves as an encouragement to everyone’s individual journey.